Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How do you feel about the planet Uranus?

I never thought about it...but from pictures it looks rather pretty x3

Ask me anything

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I opened an imaginary door....

Well, my mom has this book The Pocket Muse: Endless inspiration, and the first writing exercise it gives you is "Open an imaginary door. What do you see?". I decide to take that a little further, and add what happened before I opened this "imaginary door". So, here goes.

"I walked slowly through the darkest place I'd ever been, hugging myself in fear of what was to come. The tears were streaming silently down my face as the fear overwhelmed me. I wanted to give up. I wanted to let the darkness take me. Whatever would happen, it couldn't be this bad. I was almost at my breaking point, ready to lie down and let everything go, when I saw a light in the distance. I walked towards it, not daring to take my eyes from it lest it disappear. When I reached it, I saw it was a very plain door, the kind you would see in someone's house. There was nothing special about it. And yet, it cast the most beautiful glow compared to my other surroundings. As I reached forward to grasp the knob, I hesitated. My fears came back from an absence I hadn't noticed. What if it was a trap? What if it was the darkness, luring me into a false sense of security? As everything crashed down, a thought pushed forward. What have I got to lose? I took a deep breath and before I could think about what I was doing, I grasped the knob and flung open the door.

A place more beautiful than one could imagine lay before me. A land with rolling hills carpeted in lush green grass. Trees dotted the landscape, and there were wildflower patches adding bright color to it. Deer frolicked up and down the hills, taking no heed of the dozing cougar, and it taking no heed of them. There was a wonderfully peaceful pond with croaking frogs and sparkling fish. On its banks lay a lamb and a lion, sleeping together in the warm sunlight. All my woes and fears evaporated like frost in a noonday sun as my eyes surveyed it. A 30-ish man with flowing brown hair and facial hair walked towards me, wearing a robe that seemed to be made of light itself, a brilliant smile on his face and his arms spread wide to embrace me. I ran to him and threw myself into his arms. As I felt his warm arms wrap around me, I was overcome with the truest sense of love I'd ever felt.
This is Heaven."

I hope you enjoyed this, because it was extremely fun to write. ;D

Although it was just a quick exercise I fixed up some, crit welcome. :)

Flikkun, signing out~

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My feelings on writing...

Just to get them in order, you know.

~About my writing:

I consider myself to be a fairly good writer.
I consider fairly good writers to be fairly common.
I think that if I want to go somewhere with my writing, I need to be more than just another fairly good writer.
I think that the best way to do that is to accept critique, learn from my mistakes, get help and tips from more experienced writers then myself, and keep writing.~

~About enjoying writing:

I enjoy writing very much.
I enjoy challenging myself to accurately put feelings and pictures into words.
I enjoy giving my characters more character by seeing how they react in situations of various kinds and such, and making them more than just Mary Sues.~

~Things I wonder about writing:

Would keeping a journal help my writing?
Why did I think I was a good writer two months ago?
What makes me happy with my writing?~

Answers welcome ;D